European Tire Cord Production Facilities

An international manufacturer of steel tire cord desired to expand its production operations throughout the U.S. market. The ideal location would serve the Midwest, southeast and central U.S. markets for shipment to the company’s new and established customer base. Austin performed two separate studies for the company by first conducting a Favorable Area Analysis assessment to identify the best area based on annual cost and non-cost factors. Important location considerations included quality industrial sites at a reasonable cost, labor availability and a quality local technical school for training needs, an area with a positive history regarding labor relations, a good sources for all utilities especially electric power, and incentive programs including worker training and grants to assist in site development. In addition to the following two studies, Austin also conducted a similar analysis in Canada.

Major Location Factors

  • Quality industrial sites near major interstates and area highways
  • Utility availability and reliability at a reasonable cost
  • Labor availability and quality of work force
  • Positive area labor relations, including a detailed evaluation of labor organization activity
  • Technical schools / colleges for employee training
  • State and local incentive programs including availability of site development programs to extend utility lines to the site at the desired capacity and state training programs for skilled work force
  • Electric power incentive programs offered at the local level
  • Availability of air serve including direct / connecting flights to Europe

Austin Services Provided

  • Favorable Area Analysis
  • Community and Property Screening
  • Detailed Community and Greenfield Site Analysis
  • Detailed Utility Investigation
  • Due Diligence


Project Investment: $100+ Million
Labor Requirements360 Employees (plus expansion)
Site Size: 50 acres
Building Size: 250,000 SF


Original Search Area: Mid-South, Southeast, Central U.S.
Final Location: Dyersburg, TN, Shelbyville, KY